Your project should be double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. Put page number and your last name in the top right hand corner. Review the course syllabus for the late submissions policy and guidelines about academic honesty and plagiarism. Students are encouraged to meet their instructor during office hours for further writing support. The Teaching and Learning Center can also help students plan, edit, and revise their work.
Part 4: Answer these interview question: Answer it in 1st person perspective and answer each of the question twice with different response. For example, “How do you feel about death.” First response [I believe it is the most equal concept that happens everyone with no exception] second response [I believe it is the most scariest thing. Also explain your response at minimum of 100 words for each of the question.
1. How does death personally affect you?
2. How are death and the afterlife perceived in various cultures?
3. What impact does losing a loved one have on one’s emotional well-being?
4. What moral issues come up when people talk about assisted suicide or euthanasia?
5. How can people and society gain from having an honest conversation about death?
6. How does someone’s perspective on life and death change as a result of a near-death experience?
7. How does legacy affect our perception of death?
8. What lessons about leading a happy life can we take away from death?7. How does legacy affect our perception of death?
Part 5: Write a report about your interview findings (at least 600 words)
You have now interviewed 2 people: yourself, someone from class, and two people from outside class. Write a report on what you learned from all 2 of the interviews. Your report should answer and reflect on some of these questions: What were the main findings of your
interviews? Which of your interview questions led to the most similar answers among the people you interviewed? Did any questions lead to very different answers? Did anything in your findings surprise you? Were your own interview answers more similar or different to the other interviews? What did the people you interviewed want to talk about the most? What did they not want to talk about? Why do you think that is? Have you changed or reconsidered any of your personal attitudes toward death after interviewing other people? If not, why not? Refer to and quote specific comments that were made in the interviews when completing this part. Include a word count at the end of this part. Remember quotes are not included in the word count.
Part 6: Connect your interview findings to the class readings (at least 700 words)
The final part of this project asks you to make and analyze connections between your interview findings and at
least two, preferably three, of the following class readings: Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande (a surgeon), Coffinman (the journal of a Buddhist mortician), Antigone (a Greek tragedy), and Daodejing (an ancient Chinese wisdom text). To do this, select and explain specific parts of these readings that help you make sense of what you learned in your interviews. Answer some of the following questions: What are these readings saying about life and death? What are the most important similarities or differences between these readings? What genres do these readings use, and how does this shape what they say about death? What did your interview findings have in common with the readings? What was different? What conclusions have you reached about death after conducting your interviews, completing the readings, and completing your project? Use quotes from the readings to support your answers. Include a word count at the end of this part.
There is Interview #1 and #2 I have interview #1 on paper but Interview #2 is on YouTube so I will upload the link right here (
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