Write a 2000 words report Select an organization/brand well-considered for its

Write a 2000 words report
Select an organization/brand well-considered for its sustainability credentials (this will be supported with evidence).
The five points below should be addressed in the report (2000 words maximum)
 Introduce your chosen company and explain why this organization was chosen for analysis in your report. Provide a critical summary of the organisation’s/brand’s sustainability credentials.
 Discuss how the organisation/brand understands sustainable and ethical marketing and incorporates this into their marketing strategy; consider why it is done in this way. To what extent has the organization/brand understood sustainability marketing practices. You must refer to theories and concepts discussed in the module and provide examples to support your ideas.
 Critically evaluate how marketing tools are used to develop the organisation’s/brand’s sustainability marketing strategy.
 Analyse how the organisation/brand has created value for the consumer, use theories, concepts and frameworks discussed in the module to support your analysis and provide clear examples to support your ideas.
 Discuss how the organisation uses brand strategies to develop the brand and provide sustainable solutions both for the organisation and the consumer. A list of references should be provided at the end of the report using Cite Them Right Westminster.
Do not forget to include in-text citations wherever you use secondary data/research to support your arguments.
Assessment criteria:
The assessment criteria and weightings show you what is important in the assessment and how marks are shared across each criterion. When you are completing your assessment remember you need to fulfil the brief and the assessment criteria below. At the end of this document, we have provided you a more detailed marking grid, which describes both the expectation for each criterion and how marks would be awarded based upon performance.
Criterion Weighting: Quality of analysis of organisation’s sustainability credentials 20%
Depth of understanding of sustainable and ethical marketing 15%
Depth of evaluation of marketing tools for sustainability 15%
Quality/depth of analysis of organisation’s value creation 20%
Understanding of branding and sustainability 15%
Structure and logic of argument 10%
Use of academic/industry sources and appropriate citation/referencing 5%
Total 100%
Lastly read the attached documents which have the instructions and follow them well and make sure to look at the ASSESSMENT MARKING and follow it to achieve an upper first (80%) mark. A (80%) mark is required so produce a good quality coursework

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