Use Primary Textbooks Below
• Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the
Reformation Revised and Updated (New York: Harper One, 2010).
• Coakley, John W., and Andrea Sterk, eds. Readings in World Christian History. Maryknoll,
NY: Orbis Books, 2004. (Selections, see below. This book is available online through
Wesley’s library.)
Please use the Turabian footnote-bibliography style
Within the word limit, each paper should narrate major events, movements, and figures from history for that period. The course text and readings and class lectures will provide most of the information you need to write an acceptable paper. Drawing on an additional secondary historical work in a way that demonstrates serious engagement with that text will mark an outstanding paper. (NB: In other words, you will probably need to find and read at least one chapter of a history that is not a text book and found in Wesley’s library or online library resource
Gonzalez, pp. 387-432; chs. 33-34
Willam J. Dohar, The Black Death and Pastoral Leadership: The Diocese of Hereford in the Fourteenth Century (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995), 61-87.
The Lives of Mar Yahbh-Allaha and Rabban Sawma (pp. 373-384)
The Council of Constance (pp. 414-415)
The Council of Florence on Church Union (pp. 415-417)
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