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Course objectives:

CO4. Create and modify word processing, spreadsheet, and electronic presentation documents using appropriate features of the selected application.
CO-5: Demonstrate a basic understanding of the impact of computers on business.

Applying what you learned in weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4, develop a chart in Excel listing at least 5 of the benefits and 5 of the risks of AI. Embed the chart in your APA formatted Word document. In 250 to 500 words in the same Word document explain if you are more optimistic or pessimistic about artificial intelligence technology. Why?
Support your position with at least 2 credible references.

Submission Guidelines
In the Assignment area, please attach your assignment as a file, do not copy and paste.
Submit your assignment by midnight ET, Day 7 (Sunday).
Grading Rubric
A rubric is provided here for your convenience that details how this assignment will be graded. Please review it carefully prior to submitting your work.
Due on Dec 29, 2024 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: BUSN Essay Rubric (JAN 2023)
Did Not Attempt
Criterion Score
ILO: Applied Learning
20 points
Student provided strong evidence that they completely understood the premises of the lesson content and exhibits expertise in how to apply the concepts effectively.
17 points
Student understood the majority of the premises of the lesson content and exhibits knowledge how to apply the majority of the concepts effectively. Some minor corrections were needed.
15 points
Student understood some of the premises of the lesson content; however significant portions were not thoroughly understood to the extent needed to apply the concepts.
13 points
Student did not appear to understand the majority of the basic premises of the lesson content and most likely could not apply a majority of the concepts effectively.
0 points
Student did not submit an assignment or gave evidence they did not understand the lesson material and could not apply any of the concepts effectively.
Score of ILO: Applied Learning,/ 20
Program Objectives
25 points
Essay thoroughly and correctly addressed all variables, questions, and/or management factors posed in the instructions correctly.
21.25 points
Essay thoroughly and correctly addressed 90%+ of the variables, questions, or management factors posed in the instructions correctly, however, one or two questions were not answered as thoroughly as needed.
18.75 points
Essay thoroughly and correctly addressed 80% to 90% of the variables, questions, or management factors posed in the instructions Some answers were not as thorough as required or were inaccurate.
16.25 points
Student thoroughly and correctly addressed only 70% to 80% of the variables, questions, or management factors posed in the instructions correctly and/or some answers were not as thorough as needed.
0 points
Student did not submit an assignment or addressed less than 70% of the variables, questions, or management factors posed in the instructions.
Score of Program Objectives,/ 25
Course Objectives
25 points
Student provided more than three examples that reflected an understanding of the premises and objectives of the lesson material.
21.25 points
Student provided 2-3 examples that reflected an understanding of the importance of the premises and objectives of the lesson material.
18.75 points
Student provided 1 example that reflected an understanding of the importance of the premises and objectives of the lesson material.
16.25 points
Student did not provide any examples that reflected an understanding of the importance of the premises and objectives of the lesson material.
0 points
Student did not submit the assignment.
Score of Course Objectives,/ 25
Narrative clarity and use of correct Grammar, punctuation, & word choice
20 points
Writing is consistently clear throughout the essay and contained 0 – 2 different grammar, punctuation, or word choice errors.
17 points
Writing is generally clear and/or contained 3 – 4 different grammar, punctuation, or word choice errors.
15 points
Writing is less than clear in several places and/or contains 5 – 6 different grammar, punctuation, or word choice errors.
13 points
Writing is unclear in a significant portion of the essay and/or contains 7 – 8 different grammar, punctuation, or word choice errors.
0 points
Paper contains 9+ different grammatical errors OR student did not submit a paper.
Score of Narrative clarity and use of correct Grammar, punctuation, & word choice,/ 20
Use of APA Format & Style
10 points
Paper contains no more than 2 APA errors, including formatting.
8.5 points
Paper contains 3 different APA errors, including formatting.
7.5 points
Paper contains 4 different APA errors, include formatting.
6.5 points
Paper contains 5-6 different APA errors, including formatting.
0 points
Student did not submit the assignment or had 6+ APA errors, including formatting
Score of Use of APA Format & Style,/ 10

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