The studies of memorizing vocabulary terms when listening to music with lyrics v

The studies of memorizing vocabulary terms when listening to music with lyrics vs when listening to instrumental music. I have my results from SPSS and it’s attached. The report needs to be based on what the study found and based on my results there was no difference. Below are more specific instructions. I did the cover page already.
Do not change the font of this document APA format is 12 pt times font. The abstract provides a
brief, comprehensive summary of the study. Abstracts should not exceed 200 words. Written as
one paragraph on a page by itself. Be sure to highlight the major ideas of the paper. It must
include a summary of the purpose of the study, participants, method, main results, and
discussion. Roughly 2 sentences for each thing, without excessive details.
Second page
Full Title of Paper
Start your paper here. Introduce the problem being investigated in first paragraph. This
should be general but specific enough to identify what psychological phenomenon this study
Instead of a formal introduction you will each write 2 paragraphs about the goal of your
study, what psychological phenomenon you examined, your hypotheses, and why it was
important to do this study – use past tense. A paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences.
A total of XX people participated in the study (XX females, XX males, XX other) and
their age range was XX-XX years (M = XX.xx years). Participants were recruited through XX
and they received XX for participating in the study. The participants were XX% White, XX%
Black, XX% Asian, and XX% Other. Participants reported their year in school as XX% First
year, XX% Sophomores, XX% Juniors, and XX% Seniors. The participants provided both verbal
and written informed consent. A total of XX people did not complete the study and their data
was excluded from the study (Remove this sentence if this does not apply to your study).
In this paragraph describe the task you had participants do. Include approximately how
long it took for each participant to complete the study. If a rating scale is used include the end
points and the meaning of each end point.
The procedure section explains what happened to subjects so that the experimental
techniques could be replicated. It typically starts after the informed consent process. The
procedure section should include instructions subjects received, the timing of events, the
responses participants were required to make, the number of trials or events experienced, and
approximately how long it took for participants to complete the study. If students only received a
link to complete the study this section should indicate how they received the link.
Include at least 2 paragraphs of your statistical analyses and findings. Describe your
results using both numbers and words. Separate your results using subheadings. Use SPSS to analyze and report your results, do not do any hand calculations. Use the APA format to report
each type of test you conduct. You can combine with the graph to illustrate the results using
words like As shown in Figure 1…This is an important section and is the main focus of this
course. Use words comparison words like “greater than” or “less than” for significant findings.
Use words like- indicated, revealed, showed when talking about results of the inferential stats.
Do not contradict your statistical analyses. Do not paste SPSS output or SPSS steps into the
results. I will be grading you on appropriate choice of statistical analysis, interpretation of the results, and correct APA format.
In the first paragraph restate the goal of your study. Restate your hypothesis and state
whether your results support your hypothesis.
In the second paragraph discuss what your findings reveal about the psychological
phenomenon you studied. What are the implications of the results?
Each student must include at least one graph of their results with a figure caption.
This goes at the end of the paper. Each figure goes on its own page. Each figure has its own number: Figure 1, Figure 2, (notice the italics) etc. The caption goes below the graph with the
figure number and describes what the graph is of: Figure 1 mean ratings for each condition.

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