Select one of the following questions. Write a thorough response. Your essay must contain quotes and references from the play(s) mentioned in your question. You must incorporate a minimum of 3 sources from the Greenly Library databases.
Length: 7 pages minimum (does not include cover page, outline or works cited).
Structure: State the question you are answering at the beginning of your paper. It can be above, below or near your title.
Format (MLA):Stapled, typed, double spaced, Times New Roman or Ariel 12-point font.
Write ONLY in 3rd Person (No- I feel, I think, In my opinion etc.)
I. Both Sounder and Fences portray strong Black men as fathers. Both men make mistakes; Troy is unfaithful and Nathan steals food and goes to prison. The mistakes of both men endanger their families. Clearly both men have an enormous impact on their sons David and Cory. Life presents many different types of problems that we all have do “deal” with. Which father figure produces the strongest son, the son who will best be able to handle life’s problems, Troy or Nathan? Discuss the strenths and weaknesses of BOTH men in your essay.
II. You are the chairperson for the board of directors of a major corporation. You have the final vote in who will be selected as the CEO of that corporation. You have researched and interviewed many candidates. The choice has been narrowed to Rose (Fences) and Rebecca (Sounder). For the purposes of this assignment assume both are in their late 40s and each is well educated. Both women have demonstrated impressive leadership abilities. Nathan is an important person within his African American community. He is a hard worker and respected by both whites and blacks; his children are allowed to attend the “white” school. Rebecca successfully runs the family farm while her husband is incarcerated. She also continued to raise her children. Troy was the unofficial leader of African Americans at the sanitation department of a large American city. He got people jobs; he also challenges the racist status quo and breaks the color barrier for Black drivers. His wife Rose is in essence the treasurer for the Maxon Household. She has successfully managed the finances for 25 years. In the final 7 years (years 18 – 25) she does this under tremendous stress including betrayal by her husband and raising his illegitimate daughter. You have also spent several days with each candidate and their families. You know their strengths and weaknesses. Which woman do you select to run a multibillion-dollar organization and why? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of BOTH women in your essay.
III. In Homer’s great literary works The Iliad and the Odyssey, Odysseus emerges as a wise, courageous warrior and leader. After many years away fighting in the Trojan War he encounters multiple obstacles when trying to find his way back home. On one seemingly paradise – like island he meets the beautiful Circe. His men feast at her palace but the food is laced with magic potions and Circe later turns them into swine. Odysseus is given a magical herb, moly which protects him and allows him to resist Circe’s temptations and magic. If David from Sounder was a young 21-year-old, college educated man would he have survived a subway ride and temptations of the beautiful, white Lula (Dutchman). Would all of David’s life experiences, including love of family and wisdom learned from his parents save him, or would he too in the end need “moly” because the temptation was just too strong and his judgement was clouded by desire?
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