Scenario You are working as a Co-op student for a Canadian city of your choice. During your Co-op placement, you were assigned to work with the city’s Welcoming Committee, which is a new initiative the city is offering to welcome newcomers and introduce them to city services. You are helping the Welcoming Committee develop a website with information new residents need to know about the various resources and services the city has to offer. The Welcoming Committee’s focus is on newcomers to the city. The city is looking for ways to share valuable information about city resources and services that complement the information already provided on the existing city website. You will create a research recommendation report that newcomers to the city can access to gain additional information and recommendations about specific services or resources the city offers on its website. This document will be written using information gathered through weekly task assignments which will be revised and formatted to suit a recommendation report arrangement. In week 9, the weekly tasks were introduced, and as the first step in this project, cities and topics were chosen. All choices are firm. The next step in your position as a Co-op student was to complete a series of writing tasks, which included: Task 1: Persuasive Proposal Assignment. Proposed a topic for research that was deemed important to newcomers (Week 9).(Proposal for a Research Recommendation Report on the Job Market in Guelph, Ontario Nirmaljeet Kaur Professional Writing Skills for Business COMM1380 24F Stacey Hunt November 3, 2024 Introduction: Guelph is growing and diversifying, and a lot of new residents want to get established in a city with open arms and diversified industries. Job market information is one of the critical steps toward successfully transitioning newcomers into the Guelph community. Purpose: The paper proposes the drafting of a research-based report for the Welcoming Committee with detailed information on Guelph’s job market. This will serve to update and better provide new access to information and employable opportunities to newcomers. Background Information: Guelph has a good local economy with its key sectors being manufacturing, agriculture, and technology. City of Guelph, n.d., it also supports green economic development through attracting labour and businesses as well. The wealth of such opportunities, however, can be very hard to decipher for those new to Guelph’s job market. Information Currently Available on City’s Website: The City of Guelph currently has a high-level overview of the economic development and key industries-manufacturing, Agri-innovation, and advanced technology. This information, though useful, is quite general, with little detailed advice regarding specific resources or networks that support job-seeking newcomers. Information which should be added to Existing: Industry Job Trends: Detailed information on main industries-healthcare, education, manufacturing-complemented with the expected growth and type of jobs in demand. This is followed by job search resources: links to local job boards, employment centres, and networking events in Guelph that directly help newcomers. Competency Development: Professional development, retraining, and certification opportunities at Guelph. Tailored towards labour market-placing immigrants’ needs. Information on Guelph’s work culture, professional associations, and networking opportunities will be information to the settler while he goes through some adjustment process. Research Plan: I will do the following to develop this report in its totality: I. Access Online and Local Resources: Using the economic development page of the City of Guelph website, local job websites, and sources providing information on employment resources. II. Access to Library and Academic Resources: Employ the resources of Guelph Public Library, university career services, and local business periodicals to provide detailed sector analysis. III. Interview Local Experts: Interviews or surveys with HR representatives, city economic development officials, and business owners of companies in the locality would be useful for direct information. Possible Barriers and Solutions: Barrier: No readily accessible sourcing of current, localized job market information about Guelph. • Solution: Make use of regional information that may be available, and improve it by consulting with local employment resource centres and economic development agencies. Problem: Inaccessibility of Complete Data about Under-advertised Employment Resources • Solution: Less-advertised resources – mentorship programs, workshops, co-op placements – can be discovered through contact with the organization directly. Project Timeline Timeline for Completion: Week 9: Choose topic and submit proposal. Week 10: Explore internet and library resources, begin gathering information for the report. Week 11: Create a visual representation of job market data based on information from Statistics Canada. Week 12: Submit a progress report documenting the project’s progress. A well-researched Job Market Guide will go a long way in helping Guelph’s newcomers connect with important employment resources and achieve faster economic integration. Not only would it make information on the city’s website more holistic, but it would also contribute toward Guelph’s economic development objectives of helping new residents find suitable employment sooner. Request for Approval: I would like to seek approval on this research report project, which will be an asset for the newcomer resources of the Welcoming Committee and further solidify Guelph as a supportive community for all. References: City of Guelph. (n.d.). Economic development: Key sectors and resources. City of Guelph. )in which i got this feedback for professor (Remember to add program name to title page. Revisit brackets around in-text citations and proper formatting of references. A slightly stronger hook would be good. Well done overall. Good paragraph lengths overall. Headings are here though not yet properly formatted. ) Task 2: Library & Internet Research Assignment. Found relevant information from credible news sources to learn and narrow the focus of your topic (Week 10).(Task 2: Library Database Search Assignment Template Instructions: Complete the following templated assignment: Part 1: Create a Research Question Based on the topic you chose for your research report project: Create a research question. Focus on the needs of your audience. Create a question that will guide you through your research. Your question will change and develop as you learn more about your topic. A research question should be edited and revised throughout the research process. Topic: Job Markets in Guelph for newcomers Audience Needs: New comers are looking for job opportunities,Overcoming employement challenges and finding the sources to help integrate into the job market. Research Question: Which are the challenges or difficulties that newcomers face in Guelph Job Market and how the city of Guelph is helping to overcome these challenges? Part 2: Search for a news article using the internet 1. Find a news article related to the topic of your research question. a. Brainstorm a list of keywords and phrases to use for searching b. Search the search engine of your choice (i.e., Google, Explorer, Safari, etc.) for news articles. c. Evaluate articles for credibility and relevance. a. Read the article titles to identify articles that best connect to your topic. d. Select one news article that is credible and a strong match for your topic. a. Record information in the table below. e. Create a reference that meets APA guidelines – visit APA @ Conestoga for a template according to the source type (i.e., website, newspaper, magazine). Title of article: Second Chance Employment receives $1.7M to help local youth Date of Publication (Year, Month Day): 2024, Oct 18 Publication/Newspaper Title: Author (Last name, First initial e.g. Livetash, L, or name of News Organization.): Link to the article : Second Chance Employment receives $1.7M to help local youth – Guelph News APA Reference: (2024, October 18). Second Chance Employment receives $1.7M to help local youth. Second Chance Employment receives $1.7M to help local youth – Guelph News Part 3: Search for a news article using the library’s databases 2. Find a news article related to the topic of your research question. f. Brainstorm a list of keywords to use for searching. g. Search the freely available library database, Canadian Newsstream, for news articles. h. Evaluate articles for relevance. a. Read the article titles to identify articles that best connect to your topic. i. Select one news article that is a strong match for your topic. j. Create a reference that meets APA guidelines – visit APA @ Conestoga for a template according to the source type (i.e., newspaper). Title of article: Manufacturer warn skilled labour shortage about to get worse Date of Publication (Year, Month Day): 2024,Feb 1 Publication/Newspaper Title: Waterloo Region Record (Online); Kitchener Author (Last name, First initial e.g. Livetash, L.): Pender,T Link to the article: APA Reference: Manufacturer warn skilled labour shortage about to get worse (2024). . Torstar Syndication Services, a Division of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Part 4: What do you know? What do you want to know? What did you learn? Complete the chart to activate your existing knowledge on your topic & connect it to new information: answer the questions. Include detailed answers o integrate information from each article to support your understanding of the topic. o include an APA citation to properly document the source of the information Know, Want to Know, Learn Instructions: Complete this chart for the news articles you selected. For columns 1 and 2, begin by looking at the article titles to gain an idea of what the texts are about. For column 3, read the articles. Paraphrase or quote information from the article that support or help you explain concepts related to your topic. What I know What I Want to Know What I Learned Before you read the full articles: · read and think about the title. · what do you already know about this topic? Before you read the articles: · what new knowledge do you hope to gain from reading this article? Will this new information help you write your report? During and After you have read the texts: · did these sources provide you with the information you need? Provide an example. · are there any questions you still have about your topic? · paraphrase or quote some of the ideas, or facts, found in the article that will help you explain concepts related to your topic (include a citation). · Do you need to find more articles for your research recommendation report project? Article #1: Like in many other cities, newcomers into Guelph often have to face the problems of labor shortages, including skilled labor. Limited experience and networks hold back youth, including newcomers, from job opportunities. Article #1: I would very much like to learn about what the City of Guelph is working on to help address these employment challenges for Newcomers and Youth. Are there local programs supporting their integration? Article #1: This article informs about the $1.7M funding for job Programs Focusing on youth and their newcomers. Funding provided job training and placements, to help overcome certain barriers to local youth getting jobs, 2024 . Article #2: Guelph is facing an increase in the shortage of skilled labor, which may further impact the availability of jobs within a particular sector. Newcomers possessing the right skill set may thus be open to opportunities within those specialized sectors. Article #2: I would want to know how newcomers fare in this gap within Guelph’s skilled labor shortage and what employers are doing about it. Article #2 The article says that Guelph has sustained a shortage of skilled labor in manufacturing and other trades; hence, the demand for skilled labor, part of which comes from newcomers with the right qualifications is high (Pender, 2024).) and feedback i received is that (The research question is somewhat clear and on topic but does not consider audience needs. You have multiple questions here and this is far too specific – and not properly connected to your topic. Your goal is to find out more about the job market. You could perhaps rework this to: What employment support is offered to newcomers in Guelph? The article is off-topic. The article is not relevant; the information does not provide useful background information. The publication date is not current (i.e., within 4 years).Current but not related to Guelph as presented; focus on Waterloo.Two references are included; both references contain minor formatting errors. Revisit some proper formatting. Good start though more specific details are needed. Where will this money go, for example? What specific initiatives are being implemented? Also, you have not yet said what research you still need to do and to find what information.) Task 3: Create a Visual Assignment. Created a visual using relevant statistical data from a credible secondary source to support reader comprehension (Week 11). (Task 3 Visual Assignment Characteristics Total Male Female Population Age Distribution (%) 0 to 14 years 16.4 17.3 15.5 15 to 64 years 67.3 68.3 66.3 65 years and over 16.4 14.5 18.2 85 years and over 2.4 1.7 3.2 Labour Force Status Participation Rate (%) 67.5 71.9 63.5 Employment Rate (%) 60.2 64.9 55.8 Unemployment Rate (%) 10.8 9.7 12 Work Activity Distribution (%) Did not work 32.6 28.9 36.1 Worked full year full time 37.3 43 31.9 Worked part year/part time 30.1 28 32 Employment Type (%) Permanent position 73.6 74 73.2 Temporary position 13.1 11.7 14.5 Self-employed 11.1 12.1 9.9 Languages Used at Work (%) English only 96.4 97.2 95.5 English and French 1.5 1.1 2 English and other languages 1.5 1.3 1.8 Figure 1 The pie chart illustrates key demographic and employment statistics for Guelph, including age distribution, labour force participation, and employment types (Statistics Canada, 2021). The bar chart illustrates the distribution of work activity in Guelph, comparing total, male, and female participation in full-year, part-year, and non-work categories. The pie chart highlights the labor force status in Guelph, showcasing participation, employment, and unemployment rates as percentages. The pie chart shows the Percentage of English language used by Male and female. The Chart Represents the ratio of Employment types. References: Statistics Canada. (2021). Census profile, 2021 Census of Population. Retrieved November 28, 2024, from,2,3&STATISTIClist=1,4&HEADERlist=0 )where i got this feeedback (December 4: I am glad you were able to resubmit something. Your grade has been updated. Please see my in-rubric feedback. You have some big changes to make before you put this in your final report. December 4: The first visual contains far too many data points and does not equal to 100%, as required for a pie chart. Focus on just one thing. For example, focus only on employment type or only on labor force status. The second visual is empty. The third does not add up to 100% either. The fourth visual is better but should have only three bars, not nine. December 4: Remember a figure title and citation for all, not just the first one. Add more detail with key highlights in each explanation (for example, the highest numbers or percentages and what they indicate). Put the explanation after the visual, not before. Add data labels and one axis label to the last visual if you are using it. December 4: Though not yet clearly presented, this is all good and relevant information. No change here. The explanations are often too short and still do not yet highlight key details. Good start though you have highlighted information that is not particularly important for this task. Though some citations are now missing, I will not drop this grade. Also see below re: indents. Well done overall. Remember to use hanging indents in references. ) Task 4: Progress Report Assignment. Detailed your progress in a well-formatted Progress Report (Week 12). This week, you will compile all information from weekly writing tasks to create a well-formatted Formal Research Recommendations Report.(Progress Report: Exploring New Cities – Guelph Job Market Nirmaljeet Kaur December 23, 2024 City of Guelph (Welcoming Committee) To: Guelph’s Welcoming Committee From: Nirmaljeet Kaur/Co-op student Date: November 23, 2024 subject: Progress Report on Research Project: Guelph Job Market Project Start and End Dates: Start Date: November 3, 2024 Completion Date: December 8, 2024 Person Working on the Project: Nirmaljeet Kaur/ Co-op Student Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the progress that has been made so far in the research report project on job market challenges for newcomers in Guelph and how Guelph is helping to address the issues. Project Status: I. Work Completed Task 1: Persuasive Proposal Assignment: Completed a persuasive proposal based on Guelph economic development and resources for newcomers. This was a substantial building block on which to base the employment challenges. Task 2: Library & Internet Research Assignment: Gathered credible information from various sources, such as news articles and census data, on the job market situation and resources available for the newcomer. For instance, data from Statistics Canada outlined key employment statistics in participation rates and employment types. Task 3: Visual Assignment: Created an infographic that summarized the job market of Guelph by age, gender, employment status, and language used at work to give a better understanding of the demographics and labour force of the city. II. Work in Progress Data Analysis and Report Writing: The work continues by analysing the data collected and preparing sections of the report for the research recommendation. Emphasis will be placed on key employment challenges that newcomers are facing while trying to become established in Guelph, along with actions being taken by the city to respond to these challenges. Refining Visual Aids: Visual support materials-tables and graphs-have been honed for consistency with the research results and to improve the understandability and user-friendliness of the report to its target group. III. Work Remaining Finalizing the Research Report: This final recommendation report will be completed by synthesizing the research findings, refining the visuals, and including recommendations for how to improve newcomers’ access to the job market in Guelph. Review and Submission: This will be followed by the final submission date, submitted for review and feedback, anticipated by December 8, 2024. The research project is going on well and is running on schedule to be completed by the due date. The tasks that have been completed are a good foundation for the final report. Any remaining work, including final data analysis and refinement of the report, will be accomplished according to the planned timeline. It is envisaged that the project will meet its objectives and be ready for submission on December 8,2024. References: 1) City of Guelph. (n.d.). Economic development: Key sectors and resources. City of Guelph. 2) Statistics Canada. (2021). Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population. Retrieved November 17, 2024, from,2,3&STATISTIClist=1,4&HEADERlist=0 3) GuelphToday. (2024). Second chance employment receives $17M to help local youth. which i got this feedback(Format the introductory section in proper paragraph form moving forward. Add more specific details about found research. Avoid repetition in work in progress vs work remaining. Add a bit more summary in your conclusion. Obstacles and solutions are missing. Make the numbered sections actual subheadings. See in paper. Avoid convoluted language like “substantial building block” and “honed for consistency.” Add missing parts to your title page (program and course names, as well as your professor). No citations. Review reference formatting. Your Task The first step in creating a formal report is to review all feedback received from task assignments. Make all recommended changes so that you can use revised and corrected content in your research recommendation report. The second step is following these assignment instructions: Open a Word document. Organize the document to include front matter, body, and back matter. Format the document to meet APA requirements (font, spacing, pagination, etc.). Write the body of the report. Organize content using functional and descriptive headings, Employ writing strategies learned in this course, Include quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from your sources to support your ideas, Discuss options available for your audience based on information shared from your sources, Integrate the visual into the report, Create and integrate a comparison table of suggested options relevant to your topic, Write a conclusion that summarizes all main points from the body of the report and options from the comparison table, Offer recommendations based on options from the comparison table that best suit audience requirements, and Include citations to properly document secondary sources. Write the back matter for the report. Include a minimum of 3 relevant and credible secondary sources on the references page. Write the front matter for the report. Follow APA guidelines when formatting the title page, Create a well-formatted table of contents, Write the Executive Summary last. Final word count 1000-1200 words, not including title page, table of contents, executive summary, and references pages. To ensure you include all required documents and content, use the checklists provided in week 14. These checklists are provided to help you make sure that you meet assignment requirements.
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