Review the attached instructions thoroughly and address the posted questions in

Review the attached instructions thoroughly and address the posted questions in this 7–10-page paper. Make sure to review the attached Research Paper Grading Rubric as well.  
Case Study Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsPts
Conceptual Understanding & Critical Thinking
35 pts Points The case study includes problem statement (defining the issues and establishing the facts), determines the root causes of the problem (how it arose and how it got to this point), generates alternative solutions (analyzing and evaluating alternatives), and identifies the solution which best solves the problem and why (rationale). 0 pts Fail 
/ 35 pts
Integration of Scripture and Additional Text/Resources
10 pts Points Writing is supported with Scripture as well as with course text and unassigned materials (at least 2 external resources). 0 pts Fail 
/ 10 pts
Application/Personal Experience
25 pts Points Analyzes and summarizes the case addressing each question and integrates course theories and principles and relates to personal experience if/when appropriate. 0 pts Fail 
/ 25 pts
10 pts Points The case study is well-organized, including cover and reference pages, an introduction, summary, smooth transitions between topics, and logically developed paragraphs. 0 pts Fail 
/ 10 pts
Grammar/Writing Style
10 pts Points The case study employs correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and appropriate word choices. In-text and after-text references are documented appropriately using APA style. 0 pts Fail 
/ 10 pts
Word Count/Length
10 pts Points The case study is the appropriate length, within the specified range. 0 pts Fail 
/ 10 pts

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