QUESTION: Why has the number of interest groups expanded over the last 50 years?
You are expected to use the textbook and other sources to respond to the questions. CITATIONS and a BIBLIOGRAPHY is REQUIRED for all essays–failure to include both will negatively impact your grade. There are numerous citation guides on the library page and through the writing center. As far as formatting please follow APA format—see an simple style guide here:
The APA Style website also provides a set of guidelines you should follow:
Essays should be at a minimum be 500 words (double-spaced and in 12pt Times New Roman font). These papers will be graded according to the soundness and intellectual rigor of their argument, their use of relevant class material (both from reading and lecture), and the quality of their written expression.
Late papers will not be accepted.
Review the attached rubrics before you write and also before you submit your analytical essays to ensure you earn maximum number of points. Sample Essays have been posted via announcement.
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