Assignment: You are to write a technical and strategic report 2,500 words on a digital transformation (DT) project. The project can be about your current (company / organization / employer) or a company/organization you might wish to work for or a company organization in which you are particularly interested.
You are to find a paper trail system and convert it into a digital one; here are 4 sample examples: i) renewing a passport or ii) a paper-based appointment system or iii) any form/process of a receipt producing system or iv) an internal procurement system.
Create process graphs to showcase your process before and after digitization. (Student comments: to pay for this service I have added additional a request for additional 2 ppt slide to the order as a payment so that you can create a colourful process to showcase the changes).
The essence of the project is to digitise the process you have chosen. This could be something simplistic in terms of converting a paper-based process, like in an accounting office, into a digital process using smart contracts in the blockchain as an example. Or it could be with producing real-life products using a digital twin to prototype the product and digitise the services around it as much as possible. Of course, multiple information systems can be used to aid with the digital transformation. Consider the time taken to transform the project (digitising current analogue data for example), persuade managers/CEOS and consider the cost.
LO 1 – Work with knowledge that covers most areas of the course, including their boundaries, terminologies and conventions.
LO 2 – Demonstrate a critical awareness of current issues related to digital business transformation.
LO 3 – Use a range of specialised skills, techniques, practices and/or materials that are at the forefront of or informed by forefront developments.
LO 4 – Develop original and creative responses to problems and issues.
LO 5 – Deal with complex issues and make informed judgements in situations in the absence of complete or consistent data/information
In assessing the work, the examiner will take into account:
1. Correctness and completeness of the requirements given.
2. The interpretation of the data given.
3. The practicality of the design chosen.
4. The effectiveness of the design in the business place.
[20%] – The system chosen to digitally transform.
[20%] – The completeness of the digital process keeping abreast of technological advances.
[20%] – The style, depth and layout of the report and how detailed it is to guide a potential manager to make the transformation.
[20%] – The quality/choice of the digital transformations to process the relevant information and portray it in a professional manner.
[20%] – The word count, references, introduction and literature/background review.
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