Proposal for a Dissertation Research Project
Develop a proposal for a dissertation project. This proposal will represent a preliminary attempt to formulate ideas for your dissertation work. Your actual dissertation may focus on a different topic and use other methods. This assignment will help you practice proposal development. It will allow
you to reflect on potential research topics, proposal content, and the dissertation research process and outcomes.
Your proposal, developed in this class, should include:
• Introduction of your topic with connection to existing HRD research and practice
• Statement of the problem (with a clear explanation of the need for this research study)
• Brief and focused presentation of relevant literature
• Specific research questions that will guide the inquiry
• Description of research method and design considerations (e.g., how and where will you collect the data; how will you analyze the data?)
Sample proposals are provided on the course Canvas site. Note that final proposals submitted by
students in the HRD program vary in length and are usually between 40 and 60 pages long. A shorter
version (about 25-30 double-spaced pages, excluding references) is required for this class. In practical terms, this means that your literature review and the method sections will be shorter than in a typical final proposal. In addition, you do not need to include appendices with samples of survey instruments and other additional information included customarily in final dissertation proposals.
I am thinking of using a qualitative method, possibly a case study or phenomenology, on this topic.
Please try to use references from these following journals: Human Resource Development International, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Human Resource Development Review, and Advances in Developing Human Resource.
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Discipline: Human Resource
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