Part 1: Lesson Implementation Implementation of a social studies lesson can be q

Part 1: Lesson Implementation
Implementation of a social studies lesson can be quite different from how a science lesson would be taught. Through implementation and reflection, you will continue to develop your teaching style and incorporation of various strategies to engage your students and create investment in the learning process.
kindergarten class
Share your lesson from the “Creating a Social Studies Lesson” assignment with your mentor teacher and obtain feedback. Work with your mentor teacher to select a group of 3-5 students who would benefit from small group instruction to whom you will present your lesson. If you are not able to present your lesson, present a social studies lesson created by your mentor teacher.
After the conclusion of your lesson, reflect with the mentor and obtain feedback on how well the lesson went.
Spend any remaining field experience hours observing or assisting the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
Part 2: Reflection
In words, summarize and reflect on the lesson you taught in the field experience.
Address the following in your reflection:
Explain how you designed and delivered instruction that integrated the cultural background, personal knowledge, family, and community of students in your lesson .
What you would have done differently to help prepare you for teaching the lesson. Did you feel the students were engaged in the learning? Explain.
How do you feel you monitored and adjusted throughout the lesson to meet the needs of the students?
What went well and what would you have done differently?
How you will apply the feedback you received from your mentor teacher to your future teaching.
Rubric CriteriaThoroughly explains how instruction was designed and delivered to integrate cultural background, personal knowledge, family, and community of students in the lesson.
The explanation of what would have been done differently to help prepare for teaching the lesson was well crafted.
Included a comprehensive explanation of how the students were engaged.
In-depth explanation of how the lesson was monitored and adjusted to meet the needs of the students.
Professionally described what was done well and what could have been done differently.
Extensively applies the feedback received from the mentor teacher to the future teaching.
The content is well organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas related to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit; provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.
Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.

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