Once you have recorded what you would consider your last take, it’s time to ref

Once you have recorded what you would consider your last take, it’s time to reflect on your overall experience from preparing the written elements to practicing and presenting the speech. This week you will also reflect on the semester as a whole.
Students should respond with an estimated 200 words. This should be a cohesive response. Do not answer each question individually. The questions are a guide for you to focus on while completing the reflection. Keep proper grammar and punctuation in mind. Most importantly, students should focus on goals for upcoming speeches/speaking.
When writing your reflection response, focus on the items below: 
After watching your speech submissions and reviewing your reflection assignments, describe (2) to (3) areas you struggled with throughout the semester. Although you struggled a bit, have you seen improvement in these areas with each speech submission? What would you attribute to these improvements or attribute to not seeing any improvements?
What are (2) areas you wish to continue to work on after this semester? How will you continue to improve?
Discuss (1) or more things you could have told yourself at the beginning of this course.
What is/are your most notable improvement(s)? If by chance you feel you did not improve in any areas, explain why you feel this is true.

Last Completed Projects

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