Instructions Week 4 Assignment Instructions For this assignment, you will choose

Week 4 Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you will choose a scholarly article pertinent to your research topic and write a review of it. You will “de-construct” the article for the reader, analyzing the claims that the author is making and how well he/she supports those claims. You will also explain how this article fits into your research strategy to answer your research question. Does it provide some insights but still leave you wondering?

Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 2-3 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references must be used. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 1 reference to support each of your main points, and 2 references for support is even better (especially if they come from different credible sources, to help avoid/counter the impact of bias in your own own!).
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point, and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic-type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric (see below).

Professors Guidance for Success on the Week 4 Writing Assignment
This week you will choose an article pertinent to your research topic and write a critical review of it to determine its credibility. You will not be re-writing it; rather, you will “de-construct” the article for the reader, analyzing the claims that the author makes and how well s/he supports those claims using logic and supporting evidence. You will also explain how this article fits into your research strategy to answer your research question and your thinking on the topic.
Be certain to identify explicitly the specific claims the author makes. Next, assess how well the author makes the claims you have identified. This includes assessing both how the author makes use of facts (i.e., evidence) and reasoning (i.e., logic) to support his/her claims and also a critical assessment of the credibility of the sources the author cites and upon which the author bases his/her claims. Did the author draw his/her evidence from credible sources, and did s/he make good use of the evidence? An author must do both well to be effective, and learning how to determine if an author accomplished these dual objectives is an essential component of becoming an effective researcher and writer!
Once you have addressed the claims and sources used for support, turn your attention to how the article relates to your own work by stating specifically how the article fits into your research strategy. Conclude your review of the article by stating whether the article helped you in developing an answer to your research question (it is okay if it did not), and letting the reader know if you gained any specific insight(s) from it and/or if it left you wondering about other aspects of your topic, or both (as long as you address both of these aspects, you will be okay).
Use the components of the grading rubric as your subheadings to ensure that you address each aspect of the assignment.

Week 4 Writing Assignment Grading Rubric
Here is the grading rubric I will use to evaluate the Week 4 writing assignment:
What claims does the author make? (Identify the author’s claims specifically) (20 pts)
How well are the claims supported by both facts (i.e., evidence) from credible sources and reasoning (logic) that makes sense? (Need to address both how the author makes use of facts and reasoning to support his/her claims and also perform a critical assessment of the credibility of the sources used by the author to support his/her claims) (20 pts)
How does the article fit into your research strategy? (Be specific and explicit) (20 pts)
Does the article support you in developing an answer about your research question? (Be specific and explict, and it’s okay if it doesn’t) (20 pts)
Did you gain insight? Leave you wondering? Or both? (Answer the questions directly and be honest; no “right answer” here either) (20 pts)

The rubric is clear about the expectations for this assignment, and I will grade your paper according to each aspect of the rubric. As long as you address each aspect of the rubric directly and sufficiently, you should do well on this assignment. Help me help you by doing so!
The research question for this article review is What have been the three most significant cyber threats to the US critical infrastructure during the previous ten years?

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