In one comprehensive paragraph summarize the details of the work of art selected and how it relates to, or helps you understand more clearly and deeply, what you have learned thus far this semester (here you will want to cite Give Me Liberty! extensively in your answer, and perhaps even The Excellent Mind and/or The Sewing Girl’s Tale).
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STEP # 4: In another complete paragraph, maybe two, explain why this work of art appealed to you. Equally important, make sure you relate your answer to one or more of the “Seven Functions of Art” spelled out by de Botton in the video lecture. I would suggest, in addition, that you ask how certain qualities of the piece contribute to your understanding. Basically, this means you should be observant as to color, types of line, composition – those sorts of qualities. The idea here is based on how the look of the piece that you have chosen reflects the theme that you have selected.
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