In essay form, utilizing at least two of the resources listed below, and in 700 words, please upload a document responding to all of the following:
(1) Identify, state, and explain at least two different definitions of person based upon the approved sources.
(2) What sort of definitions are they? Real or nominal? Logical, causal, descriptive, or mixed?
(3) How are these definitions of person related? Is one of them more primary than the other? If so, which one?
(4) Having identified a principle or primary definition of person, explain why this definition is the primary or principal definition of person.
(5) What is a person?
Approved Sources
Christian Smith, What is a Person?, ch. 1: 59-78.
*Bernard Lonergan, “The Notion of Person”
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia, q. 29
*Joseph Ratzinger, Dogma & Preaching, ch. 14: 181-196.
*Joseph Ratzinger, “The Creation of the Human Being”
*Boethius, Against Eutyches & Nestorius, ch. 2
The uploaded document should include your name, be single-spaced, with 1 in. margins all around, and executed in a standard 12 pt. font such as Times New Roman, Arial, Garamond, etc. You should provide parenthetical citations wherever applicable and use your sources as foundations for your answers. If you are relying on a modern source to address one of the questions, then you should place the author’s last name, short title, and page number within parentheses. If you are relying on an ancient or medieval source reading, then place the author’s name, short title, and book, chapter, section, and/or line number within parentheses.
Remember, your essay should be your own and based primarily upon the course material and/or the designated resources for the assignment. Absolutely no other sources are permitted. This is not a research paper. Do not copy and paste from outside web sources or consult any unauthorized material (whether print or digital). If you would like to utilize a source you are unsure about, please seek permission from the professor. Use of unauthorized source material will result in a “0” on the assignment. Use of LLMs, Generative AI, chatbots, or prompt-generators of any kind is absolutely prohibited. This includes but is not limited to ChatGPT, QuillBot, and AI enhanced applications such as Grammarly. The consequences for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty are outlined in the syllabus.
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