I have attached a google doc/docx that contains french homework questions. These

I have attached a google doc/docx that contains french homework questions. These are fairly simple, they are just some written responses, conjugations, listening questions, etc. Please do not use google translate, as the system will pick it up. I send the textbook link https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3zwi3f5dwo2oofey9ed69/Liberte_Vol2_Student_Spring2024.pdf?rlkey=j7w21klisb3gtf33d37o2df8b&e=1&st=vpc6vbs5&dl=0 and the listening recordings. Please let me know if I am missing any files and I will send them over. I have also attached the syllabus- as it may contain some additional resources you can use. Some of these questions ask personal information in order to write the answer, please do not hesitate to text/send me a quick message asking me stuff. i will respond as fast as I can!

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