Each section is given instructions and Feedback as follows: •Introduction: Plea

Each section is given instructions and Feedback as follows:
•Introduction: Please invent a scenario (or share a real scenario) where your supervisor has asked you to conduct a curriculum evaluation. Please provide information regarding where you obtained the curriculum and curricular materials you selected to review (e.g., district, department), the content area (select one), and the grade level analyzed. Also, please clearly state the improved student outcomes and other goals you and your supervisor hope to achieve with this curriculum revision.
•Team Identification: Please identify the team that you, as the leader, have selected to work with you to conduct this evaluation. Please explain why they were selected, including what positions they hold and what expertise they have.
oProfessor Feedback: Your team looks sound, but you need to add a rationale and the strengths for each member. Why did you choose them.
•Data: Please explain the data you and your team reviewed to determine the needs of students and teachers. Data could include student assessment data, classroom observation data, and data from other tools offered in our coursework and our textbook.
oProfessor Feedback: Great job of selecting and working with the data.
•Curriculum Recommendations: Please review and determine areas for improvement based on what you have learned in this course, as well as through your own experience, and outside resources. Be sure to cite (APA) your work. Consider the degree to which the curriculum is humanizing, the scope and sequence, assessments, alignment to standards, technology, global trends, and strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners.
oProfessor Feedback: Great and Clear Explanation
•Implementation: Please explain how you will implement the curriculum recommendations you and your team made. What changes need to be made to curricular frameworks and materials? How will you introduce the changes to teachers and other leaders. What will teachers need to do? When will each step in the process happen? Thoroughly explain and provide systematic methods for implementing the revised curriculum.
•Monitoring: Please explain how you and your team will monitor implementation. To help you decide, consider how you, as a teacher, would prefer your leadership teams monitor your implementation efforts. Take that into consideration as you decide how you and your leadership team in this scenario will monitor implementation.
oProfessor Feedback: Good plan. This is a unique program and provides some challenges for this kind of work. You have put it together well. A couple of questions. You mention several skills the teachers will need. Be explicit in your training to make sure they have the needed capacity. Also, I didn’t see specific mention of coaching. Do you expect differentiation in how teachers implement this which would need a coaching strategy?
•Assessment: Please explain how you and your team will assess whether the curriculum revisions improved the student outcomes and any other goals you established in your Introduction.
Please help me align my paper to the instructions and feedback. Sources are in the paper if needed, but nothing more is required.

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