Directions: Look over all sections of the Capstone Part II: EEP and update/compl

Look over all sections of the Capstone Part II: EEP and update/complete as necessary. In particular: update the target audience and setting if it changed (if you are presenting for service learning points) and make sure that you made improvements to all sections based on the instructor’s feedback. Look over the entire paper and make sure you included everything asked for in each section, that APA format was followed for references and headings, page numbers are on every page, all sections with paragraphs are before the references, and that appendices for Teaching Plan, Evaluation Form, and charts with quiz/survey results are after the reference list.
If you presented for service learning, use your audience’s actual answers. If you did not, make up some varied answers to your questions (at least 5 submissions). Tally the number of correct/incorrect answers or types of responses for each item in your quiz/survey. You may show the number of answers/responses on the actual quiz/survey or another table. You will use this data to create tables and graphs.
Use spreadsheet software to develop charts or graphs to display the most relevant or key findings of quiz/survey (for at least 3 items). If desired, send the spreadsheet to instructor for input and feedback at least 2 days in advance. Each chart/graph should have a title and legend, as well as footnotes to define abbreviations, if used. After the charts/graphs are finalized, then place them in an appendix, along with the tables that show the number of correct/correct or other responses to each item.
In the Capstone paper add a left flush heading like Capstone Presentation and Evaluation. This narrative section should be at the end of your paper, not in the appendix with the graphs. Summarize the results or simulated results of your survey in paragraph form, including who you would have educated, number who would have completed survey, questions or comments the audience may have asked, and an overview of your findings. Include the percentages for how many questions were answered correctly or incorrectly. If you presented, use your real audience feedback. Be sure to look back at your teaching plan objectives and discuss how well each objective was met. Include a sentence referring the reader to the appendix when necessary.
Compare your findings with what you expected to find. Link your findings or comparisons to recommendations or information in the guidelines or articles you have read. Discuss some possible barriers to implementing evidence-based practice and strategies you could use to improve or maintain good practice. Cite at least two references to support your statements.
Conclude with how you think this education would be received in the “real world” if presented in the format you designed. If you presented for service learning points, conclude with what went well and what you would do differently to improve the educational material or teaching/learning experience. Think about the “ideal” world and what you could do to improve educating others about the EBP regarding this problem.

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