fill out the chart for this nursing assigment
Please select your level of competence for each of the EBP competencies listed in the attached document using the following 4-point Likert rating scale: (1, Not Competent | 2, Need Improvement | 3, Competent | 4, Highly Competent)
Please use the following descriptors when deciding which category you align most closely with for each item on the survey:
Not Competent: does not possess essential knowledge, skills, or attitude to engage in EBP; needs significant guidance
Need Improvement: possesses some essential knowledge, skills, and attitude to engage in EBP, but needs guidance
Competent: possesses essential knowledge, skills, and attitude to engage in EBP without guidance; is able to mentor and lead others
Highly Competent: possesses advanced knowledge, skills, and attitude to engage in EBP without guidance, is able to mentor, teach, and lead others in EBP
Download the document, select your responses, make a copy to save to your computer and a copy to upload as this assignment. Any competence answers you select will be considered correct.
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