This is a 3000 word dissertation proposal. This topic is in regards to quantity

This is a 3000 word dissertation proposal. This topic is in regards to quantity surveying (construction). I will upload all materials below to help assist in you writing this. The first thing I will upload will be a word document titled “aims and objectives- EXAMPLE”. This is an example of what you might need to do in order to plan the dissertation proposal. TO BE CLEAR THAT IS NOT THE PROPOSAL IT IS JUST A PLAN. This plan example will help you set out the proposal. This plan is for a similar title but not the same. Please do not copy it as It is not the same. Use it as a guide to plan the proposal. If it is easier for yourself, to plan it and write it out like the example please do so. Then write out the 3000 word proposal.
The title I have chosen for my dissertation proposal is “The Impact of Risk Management Strategies on Project Success in Public Infrastructure Development”. I have chosen a title for yourself so it will be easier undergoing this paper, rather than you selecting a title.
I will also upload the dissertation proposal assignment brief. This will be titled “Dissertation proposal – Assignment brief”. In this brief you will have everything to complete the dissertation proposal. From the task that needs to be undertaken to the grading criteria. There is also a checklist on this document for you check off. Use the grading criteria to aim for 90-100% (A*). This will need to be very detailed and to a good standard. Please read through assignment brief thoroughly, so the proposal is correct.
I will also upload a few other additional documents to assist you in this work. One document I will upload will be titled “MSc Dissertation Structure- FULL DISSERTATION”. This will be a structure document on how the full dissertation will need to look. As I said earlier this is not the full dissertation. This is just a proposal dissertation. I have uploaded this so you have an idea how big the full dissertation will be. And that this proposal is only 3000 words (ish).

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