To prepare: Choose one of the following three significant events to resear

To prepare:
Choose one of the following three significant events to research-  Opioid Crisis 
Submit a 2page paper in which you:  
Describe the event, what led to it, and how it has affected or continues to affect people with substance use disorders. 
Explain how treatment for the substance(s) implicated in the event has changed over time.  
Discuss the ways in which the event has affected how social workers can work with clients with substance use disorders. Reflect on how societal attitudes and norms connected to this event are influencing practice today.  
Use both the Learning Resources and additional sources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Opioid Crisis 
Duchovny, N., & Mutter, R. (2022, September). The opioid crisis and recent federal policy responses.Links to an external site. Congressional Budget Office. 
Kennedy, A. (2022).  Opioid epidemic.Links to an external site. In Salem Press Encyclopedia. Salem Press.

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