1. Drawing on class material Please define social mobility and waithood and expl

1. Drawing on class material
Please define social mobility and waithood and explore the role waithood plays in people’s agency.
i In what ways does waithood differ from waiting?
ii How do the people who are caught in “the middle” phase cope with the exclusion?
B. Discuss two class readings that illustrate the tension between age or economic class in competing for social mobility.
Expand on how lack of social mobility excludes groups in their ability to enact their citizenship.
2. Drawing on class material.
Please define intersectionality and naturalization of differences
Why are intersectionality so important and what insights does it provide us when understanding particular social situation?
What does naturalization of differences mean? And how does the naturalization be reproduced?
Discuss how gender/sexuality and race intersect with class processes?
In what ways does naturalized difference re-enforce existing power inequalities?
What does the intersection of gender/sexuality and race tell us about class processes?
Choose either 1 or 2 to answer (your choice). refer to reading materials to answer questions with examples. Provided all materials. Don’t need all, just use whatever you can to answer the question.

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