Part One – Program Evaluation Proposal: Based on your needs assessment (attached

Part One – Program Evaluation Proposal: Based on your needs assessment (attached), design a program evaluation proposal that you would use to evaluate the agency/school. The program evaluation proposal can address either the organization/school as a whole, or a specific program within the agency/school. Specifically, select an evaluation approach described in Fitzpatrick, Sanders & Worthen (2011; FSW hereafter). On page 123 of FSW, the authors classify several evaluation approaches into four categories based on the identification of essential factors that guide the evaluation. Each of these approaches is then expanded in subsequent chapters. Using the definition of “program” provided on page 8 of FSW, you will:
• Provide a brief description of the program
• Complete the “Checklist for Determining When to Conduct an Evaluation” on page 272 of FSW (provided below)
• Include a rationale in favor of or against conducting the evaluation.
• Use one of the FSW evaluation approaches to explain why the approach is a “best fit” to evaluate the program in question
• Explain how the logic model is used to guide an evaluation
• Include a logic model example to show how to organize an evaluation plan.
Please note that you are not required to actually conduct a program evaluation; you just need to design the evaluation and outline the process.
The Program Evaluation requires a minimum of 3 scholarly resources (within the past 5 years) to support the identified needs. References must comply with the current edition of the APA Style manual.
Part Two – Program Evaluation Poster or PowerPoint Presentation
Full instructions and rubrics provided in attachment. This part simply condenses the paper into a presentation so an audience who doesn’t know the subject can understand.
The textbook is not required as I have provided a link to a website that lists all program evaluation types and I provided the checklist mentioned above.

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