Human Resource Management (HRM) is a function (managing the human resources of

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a function (managing the human resources of an organization); and/or a department (the group of people who manage the human resources function); and/or the actual leaders/managers that manage the human resources of an organization.
Make sure you are clear as to how you are using the term (HRM) and whether you are referring to the function, the department, or the management team. Multiple factors influence HRM including its evolving role in organizations, globalization forces, legal issues, and assessment of the HRM contribution to performance.
Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. 
The role of HRM has been rapidly evolving over the last decade from a bureaucratic enforcer of policies to that of a strategic business partner with the organization’s leadership team. Utilizing the term Strategic Human Resource Management distinguishes the evolving relationship and responsibilities compared to traditional HRM. 

Evaluate the differences between strategic and traditional HRM. For example, those differences relate to organizational strategy, structure, and assessment?
Evaluate the pros and cons of a move from traditional to strategic HRM.

If you were the CEO of a large, diversified, multinational company, what value would you expect your HRM function to add to the organization? 

How would you determine whether HRM was providing value? For example, how would you know whether the HRM function was being effective?
Which measures would you use for evidence of effectiveness?
How would you assign accountability for effectiveness?

Much has been made of the increasingly global nature of the business environment. Evaluate at least two major forces that cause organizations to internationalize. 

For the industry in which you work (or aspire to work), which of these forces will play important roles in the future?
How might these forces impact HRM?

Not only has much been written about the forces contributing to globalization, much has also been written about the challenges of going global. Evaluate at least two major challenges an organization might face as it attempts to internationalize. 

How might these challenges be overcome (it might be helpful to use your current organization or another organization as a specific example for assessing and overcoming the challenges)?
How might these challenges impact HRM?

HRM is connected to legal issues in multiple ways. For example, the questions that can be asked in an interview, protections for certain classes of people, and the rights of a union are influenced by various laws and regulations. 

Summarize at least two key Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws that might impact the hiring process in an organization.
Evaluate steps that an HR department (or HR manager) might take to assure legal hiring processes are being used in an organization.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.
Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 single-spaced pages (500–1000 words) in length.
Submission Details:
Due by 11/30/24 at 10:00pm CST 
1. Make certain to include in text citations from your course text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main  post. This adds credibility to your argument. [Textbook]: Cascio, W. F. (2021). Managing human resources: Productivity, quality of work life, profits (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1260681352
2. No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with cited sources within the last 5 years.
3. No AI support, score must be 0% and less than 10% score on Turnitin

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