Science supports the natural curiosity of young children. At an early age, all c

Science supports the natural curiosity of young children. At an early age, all children have the capacity to observe, explore, and discover. When teaching science to young children, teachers should balance the use of formal educational opportunities for scientific discovery and exploration (e.g., designed classroom experiments with predetermined materials) with informal opportunities (e.g., allowing students to play with materials and observe their physical properties or letting students verbally describe their observations while walking or hiking in nature).
For this assignment, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to design a science lesson that integrates technology and one other content area (kindergarten: literacy, mathematics, or the creative arts). Collaborate with your mentor teacher to select an appropriate state science standard, so you can teach this lesson during your next clinical field experience.
Include the following in the indicated sections of the lesson plan template:
Lesson Summary and Focus: Describe how literacy, mathematics, or the creative arts will be integrated into developmentally appropriate science instruction .
State Learning Standards and Objectives: Select a science standard and ensure the objectives relate to the science and another content area’s (literacy, mathematics, or the creative arts) standards.
Academic Language: Include content-related, age appropriate vocabulary that engages students in applying methods of inquiry and standards of evidence .
Multiple Means of Representation: Explain how instruction will be differentiated to support students with language development delays or challenges .
Multiple Means of Engagement: How the lesson will incorporate technology and encourage students to understand, question, and analyze standards-based science content .
Multiple Means of Expression: Create developmentally appropriate assessments and explain how they align to the content-area standards and measure learning objectives.
Support your assignment with 3-5 scholarly resources.
The lesson is well crafted to integrate science and literacy, mathematics, or the creative arts.
Stated objectives are specific, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Stated objectives are specifically aligned to science and literacy, mathematics, or the creative arts state standards.
Substantially includes content-related, age appropriate vocabulary that engages students in applying methods of inquiry and standards of evidence.
Compellingly explains how instruction is differentiated to support students with language development delays or challenges.
Skillfully incorporates technology and substantially encourages students to understand, question, and analyze standards-based science content.
Developmentally appropriate assessments innovatively explain how they align to the content-area standards and expertly measure learning objectives.
The content is well organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas related to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit. Provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.
Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.
Sources are documented completely and correctly, as appropriate to assignment and style. Format is free of error

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